Saturday, 10 September 2016

Our Nation


Ours is a nation of abundance but very few exalted citizens bask in this abundance.Were our ancestors cursed? We rethorically ask with no reply.

Maybe we should keep hoping for better life after our eyes must have close in death.
Even when the white oppressors had left,we are still left with oppressors that are as close as our skin.Call us advanced slaves with some degree of human rights and crumbs from the high tables of our primitive minded leaders and you will be an inch closer to the truth.
   As was the case with our former slave drivers,our indigenous slave drivers have succeeded in creating a nation of great inequality where they call the shots and decide which crumbs we are to get.The best things of life are only for them and their cronies,for us,construction of substandard learning centres without the tools to prepare our children for the 21st century is the best we can get.
After all their wards will never attend this schools. They are strictly gifts from our oppressors to us,they must never be rejected.
Outpour of appreciation by men and women even after the short lifespan of the facility usually rent the air.After the mediocre construction of substandard roads and other public works with bloated figures,the celebration still continues.For the citizens, "half bread is better than chin chin",they should also know that we can have the full bread all for ourselves if we free our minds from mental slavery.
   When slave trade was the only thing Africa could offer,the slaves most times never escape even when there was chance to do so,slavery was more than physical,it was largely mental. For the slaves,they dare not question their oppressors.
  We were not cursed,we have simply in the midst of plenty unconsciously decided to live true to Fela's "suffering and smiling". We can only have a new Nigeria if we free ourselves from mental slavery and start making conscious efforts to create a new Nigeria.
New Nigeria Vanguard offers you  opportunity to meet with detribalized  Nigerians working for the emergence of a truly united,free and egalitarian Nigeria.

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